VH-EN-E412Vintage IR

VH-EN-E412Vintage IR

WAV | 22.7 MB

The german company responsible for this monster, is well known in the Hard’n Heavy scene for years.
Loaded with Celestion™ Vintage 30, save behind a metal grill, you find this predator at the top of the food chain. It cuts through the mix like a chainsaw, has tons of bass and is not the right choice for music vegetarians or jazz maniacs. This cab loves M E T A L.

Resonance frequency 101 Hz

VH-EN-E412Vintage 44100Hz-16bit-170ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 44100Hz-16bit-500ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 44100Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 44100Hz-24bit-500ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 48000Hz-16bit-170ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 48000Hz-16bit-500ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 48000Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 48000Hz-24bit-500ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 96000Hz-24bit-170ms
VH-EN-E412Vintage 96000Hz-24bit-500ms


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