Truefire Guitar Lab – Taming the Triplet

P2P | Nov 04 2018 | 1,36 GB

The purpose of this course is to present a comprehensive overview of triplets and their layout options on the guitar fingerboard. You will be given examples of each melodic pattern in both tablature and standard notation. Topics covered will include picking, slurring, and fingering options. You will also be given the tools to create variations of a pattern by applying the principle of note displacement.
51 Total Video Lessons:
-Taming The Triplet Introduction
-Low High Low Along The String Axis
-High Low High Along The String Axis
-Low High Low On Adjacent Strings
-High Low High On Adjacent Strings
-Low High Low In Position
-High Low High In Position
-Low Middle High Along The String Axis
-High Middle Low Along The String Axis
-Low Middle High High Note Displacement
-High Middle Low High Note Displacement
-Low Middle High Low Middle Displacement
-High Middle Low Middle Low Displacement
-Low Middle High In Position High Note Displacement
-Low Middle High In Position Low Note Displacement
-High Middle Low In Position High Note Displacement
-High Middle Low In Position Low Note Displacement
-Low Middle High In position
-Low High Middle In position
-Middle Low High In position
-Middle High Low In position
-High Middle Low In position
-High Low Middle In position
-Low High Low Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-High Low High Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-Low Middle High Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-Low High Middle Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-Middle Low High Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-Middle High Low Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-High Middle Low Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-High Low Middle Finger Rolls “Sides” of the pentatonic
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.1 Low High Low, High Low High
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.2 High Low High, Low High Low
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.3 Low Middle High, High Middle Low
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.4 Low Middle High, High Low Middle
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.5 Low Middle High, Middle Low High
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.6 Low Middle High, Middle High Low
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.7 High Middle Low, Low Middle High
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.8 High Middle Low, Low High Middle
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.9 High Middle Low, Middle Low High
-Finger Roll Directional Variations pt.10 High Middle Low, Middle High Low
-3 Note-Per-String Pentatonic All Six Patterns
-3 Note Patterns Using 8th Notes Rhythmic Analysis
-Major Scale Triplet Patterns Adjacent Note Patterns
-The Six Triplet Patterns Application
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.1 Low High Low, High Low High
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.2 Low Middle High, Middle Low High
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.3 Low High Middle, High Low Middle
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.4 High Middle Low, Middle High Low
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.5 LMH HML, HML LMH
-Arpeggio Triplet Patterns pt.6 Fingerboard Layout Options

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