Roots Of Pacific WAV

Roots Of Pacific WAV

WAV | 162.50 MB

Explore the rhythms of the Pacific islands with ensemble & solo drum performances plus hits from the Hawaiian Islands, Fiji, Tahiti & more. Pahu (bass drum), to’ere (slit drum or “log” drum), fa’atete (tom tom) and even a large tin can played (snare drum style). Pahu heiau (temple drum), pahu hula (dance drum), ka’eke (bamboo pipe drum), ipu (bottle gourd), Ili’ili (small stone castanets), pu’pu (shells), pu’ili (split bamboo sticks), uli’uli (feather covered gourd rattles), kala’au (wooden sticks), chants and samples of ‘olelo (various Hawaiian words) and actual location recordings of gentle Maui waves, a bamboo forest running stream on a rainy night, and the sound of paradise- birds, bees & the natural ambience of Ulupalakua, one of earth’s prettiest locations. “Authentic, honest content is what everyone needs these days, and there’s bags of it here. Highly recommended.” – Electronic Musician
Product Contents:
4 Sticks Log
Bamboo Floor Hits
Bamboo Patterns
Bamboo Shoulder Hits
Body Slaps
Double Logs
Drum Patterns
Hawaiian Birds
L’pu Large
Ka’eke (bamboo pipe drum)
Log Drums
Natural Ambiences
Ori Tahiti
Pahu (Tahitian drum) patterns
Pahu Ulupalakua
Pu’ili Hits
Pu’niu (coconut drum)
Pu’pu (shells)
Rain Stick
Rhythm Log
Samoa Kasala (body slap)
Small L’pu Hits
Stick Patterns
Stream in Haiku
To’ere (Tahitian log drum) hits & rolls
To’ere (Tahitian) patterns
Uli Uli
Uli’uli (gourd shakers)
Waves from Wailea

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